How to print photos professionallyInventions that changed world history How to choose the right model for your needs?7 tips to improve your skin

Your skin is the largest organ you own and acts as a protective barrier that insulates your body from everything around you, protecting it. But isn't it often forgotten? Because first there is work, school, shopping, family, the gym, clothes, the house or the garden. And when your time has come, you're so tired that how can you remember to take care of your skin?

If you could dedicate your time to it without even realising it? By dedicating a little time to your skin every day, just like you brush your teeth, you'll see that it will thank you forever 🙂

The essential thing is to follow a few simple skin care tips that will help you improve your skin's appearance and delay the signs of ageing.

1. Protect yourself from the sun.

Too much sun is your greatest enemy, because it is the root cause of premature ageing, blemishes and some skin diseases. Using a high-screen sunscreen is essential if you are going to be outdoors. wrinkle texture repair 

You should also avoid exposure in the middle of the day, when UV rays are at their strongest. If you protect yourself from the sun, your skin won't have to say "enough is enough".

2. Avoid alcohol and tobacco.

Alcohol and tobacco are harmful to your health, you already know that. Now you should also know that the effect on the skin is totally evident: paleness or redness, dullness, open pores, deep wrinkles... And I have to tell you that alcohol and tobacco are much more harmful for women.

In addition, when you smoke, you make a gesture that in the long run increases wrinkles around the lips. So you know, alcohol and tobacco wrinkle.

3. Get enough rest.

I know you're thinking that this is utopia at the moment, but don't stop trying. Maybe you can organise your day differently or try to leave some of your homework for tomorrow, and get an extra hour's sleep.

When a supermodel is asked what her beauty secret is, she always replies "just get plenty of sleep" 🙂 Well, your skin will look more rested and you get to promote its natural regeneration if you get enough sleep.

4. Moisturise.

Keeping your skin hydrated is the main help you can give to delay the signs of ageing.

But you should do this not only by using good and effective beauty products, but also by hydrating your skin from within. Drink enough fluids a day and your skin will thank you a thousand times over.

5. Exercise.

Physical exercise improves blood circulation and therefore increases oxygenation and the supply of nutrients to your skin.

In addition to being essential for your whole organism, your mood and your general health, regular physical exercise will make your skin look healthier.

6. Nourish your skin.

No one doubts that good nutrition is essential for overall health.

You can eliminate or reduce skin-damaging foods such as sugar, salt and fried foods from your diet.

And increase the beneficial ones, such as almonds and hazelnuts, red and purple fruits, olive oil, carrots, broccoli, fish (especially oily fish), whole grains... Above all, foods rich in antioxidants that will slow down the appearance of the signs of ageing.

7. Love yourself a lot

In short, all these simple tips boil down to loving yourself a lot and taking care of yourself.

Cultivating the details and good moments that bring us little joys (good friendships, moments of relaxation, a book or music, a sunset, a walk, a smile...), can make you feel in glory and it will be reflected in your eyes and on your skin.

Have you already practised any of these tips? Which one are you going to put into practice first? Do you know of any other ideas to improve your skin?

I hope these 7 tips to improve your skin have helped you and leave your comments below to enrich this post. It's a great help to me if you share on your social networks.

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